Meeting of the head of the communications service with representatives of mobile companies and Internet providers

News Service News

Meeting of the head of the communications service with representatives of mobile companies and Internet providers

On October 23, a meeting was held between the head of the communications service, Beg Sabur, and representatives of mobile companies and Internet providers.

The meeting reviewed the implementation of the order of the Founder of Peace and National Unity, Leader of the Nation, President of the Republic of Tajikistan, his Excellency Emomali Rahmon dated December 23 to improve the quality of services and reduce costs mobile communication services and the Internet, as well as making high-speed Internet available in all regions of the country, and the Decree of the President of the Republic of Tajikistan “On measures to expand non-cash payments” dated June 22 of this year was analyzed and discussed. .

The head of the Communications Service under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan emphasized that accelerating the process of transition to non-cash payments, solving existing problems and obstacles and ensuring full access of citizens to high-speed Internet is the priority of the Service. and mobile companies, and it is necessary to eliminate the existing shortcomings as soon as possible with an understanding of responsibility.

It was said that ensuring access to the Internet for residents of all regions of the country, strengthening the infrastructure in the banking system in order to offer a mechanism for paying for government services in a non-cash way, providing radio stations with constant electricity. issues that require constant attention and effort. In this context, officials were instructed to strengthen cooperation with banks and financial institutions to a greater extent than before, as well as to eliminate problems and obstacles at the community and village level.

To identify all areas where access to mobile communications and the Internet is weak, a working group has been created at the expense of representatives of the Communications Service, mobile companies and other structures. The working group was instructed to submit a full report to the Service within a week. The head of the Communications Service asked officials to solve the problems of mobile and Internet communications as soon as possible after complete identification of such territories.

Another issue with the onset of winter was ensuring the uninterrupted operation of mobile communication stations in all corners of the country. As noted at the meeting, there are many complaints from clients about this. Therefore, close cooperation with Barki Tajik was considered necessary. Mobile companies are obliged to make every effort to ensure that the population is provided with mobile communications and the Internet around the clock, even in the cold season.

In another part of the meeting, measures were implemented to reduce the cost of the Internet and telephone calls, as well as to increase their level and quality, which is the direct concern of the Founder of peace and national unity – the Leader of the nation. , President of the Republic of Tajikistan his Excellency Emomali Rahmon, were analyzed and discussed. It was said that although the price of internet and phone calls has become cheaper, it is not satisfactory and in this context, all mobile companies and internet service providers have been directed to make serious efforts.
Finally, officials have been directed to take strict measures to address complaints from mobile customers and internet users across the country.