Holding a ceremonial meeting dedicated to the celebration of the 32nd anniversary of State Independence in the Communications Service

News Service News

Holding a ceremonial meeting dedicated to the celebration of the 32nd anniversary of State Independence in the Communications Service

On September 8 of this year, an event dedicated to the celebration of the 32nd anniversary of the State Independence of the Republic of Tajikistan was held at the Communications Service under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan with the participation of the country’s communications employees. a ceremonial meeting took place.

At this meeting, the head  deputy of the Communications Service under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan, Ilkhom Atoev, congratulated the officials on this glorious holiday of the nation and state and spoke about the unprecedented services. The founder of peace and national unity, Leader of the nation, President of the Republic of Tajikistan His Exellency Emomali Rahmon spoke about strengthening the foundations of national statehood and state independence, restoration of the constitutional order and peace and stability in society, as well as the achievements of the Tajik people in the era of independence and the contribution of communications bodies to the economic and social development of Tajikistan.

During the ceremonial meeting, taking into account the exemplary performance of official duties, conscientious and impeccable work, achievement of great success in the field of communications, dedicated to the 32nd anniversary of the State Independence of the Republic of Tajikistan, the  Deputy Head of the Service presented state awards to communications workers, a number of specialists were motivated.

We remind you that some time ago a number of employees of the communications authorities of the Republic of Tajikistan were awarded by the President of the Republic of Tajikistan a state award dedicated to this great holiday.

The ceremonial meeting ended with the performance of the National Anthem by the participants with a high sense of patriotism and pride in State Independence.