
Practical measures for the transition to non-cash payments

Practical measures for the transition to non-cash payments In order to implement measures for a high-quality transition to non-cash payments, a working group created under the Communications Service periodically conducts assessments of the level of access to electronic communications in remote regions of the republic. Based on the assessment results, it was established that 95 […]

Two private companies were awarded licenses to implement international high-speed Internet

Two private companies were awarded licenses to implement international high-speed Internet On November 17, the Head of the Communications Service under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan, Beg Sabur, handed over licenses to introduce international high-speed Internet to representatives of TT Mobile CJSC and Indigo Tajikistan CJSC. As previously reported, the country is taking […]

Two private companies received a license to implement international high-speed Internet

Two private companies received a license to implement international high-speed Internet Tajikistan is taking consistent measures to increase Internet speed and reduce its cost. In continuation of taking the necessary measures, the Communications Service under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan issued a license to two domestic private sector companies to access international high-speed […]

Tajikistan’s telecommunications networks are directly connected to China’s telecommunications networks

Tajikistan’s telecommunications networks are directly connected to China’s telecommunications networks In the near future, there will be a direct connection between the telecommunications networks of the Republic of Tajikistan and the telecommunications networks of the People’s Republic of China. Is being implemented, which is of great importance for our country in the field of communications. […]

Review of access to mobile communications and transition to cashless payments in Communication Services

Review of access to mobile communications and transition to cashless payments in Communication Services On November 10, at the Communications Service under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan, the head of the Communications Service, Beg Sabur, held a meeting with communications representatives, representatives of mobile communication companies and Internet providers, banks and Open Joint […]

Review of problems of Internet access and non-cash payments in the communications services

Review of problems of Internet access and non-cash payments in the communications services On October 30, the Communication Service under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan hosted a regular meeting of communication representatives, representatives of mobile communication companies and Internet providers, banks, financial organizations, “Open joint stock holding company Barki Tojik and government bodies […]

Tоhir Yoqubov: The introduction of 5G in Tajikistan will create new opportunities

Tоhir Yoqubov: The introduction of 5G in Tajikistan will create new opportunities Tоhir Yoqubov, representative of the Communications Service under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan, during his opening remarks at the international forum “Opening of new generation mobile communication networks”, held by ZET-MOBILE with the support of the Communications Service, said that the […]