The company of the Deputy Head of the Communications Service at a meeting of heads of ministries and departments of the SCO member states on the development of information and communication technologies

The company of the Deputy Head of the Communications Service at a meeting of heads of ministries and departments of the SCO member states on the development of information and communication technologies Deputy Head of the Communications Service under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan Ilkhomjon Atoev took part in the meeting of the […]

Checking the quality of mobile communications in different areas of the capital

Checking the quality of mobile communications in different areas of the capital Over the past few days, specialists from the Communication Service “Center for Electromagnetic Compatibility and Radio Monitoring”, together with representatives of mobile operators, have tested and monitored the quality of mobile communications in various districts of Dushanbe. In the capital, at the request […]

Visit of the head of the Communications Service to consider requests from the population to the cities and regions of Bokhtar, Sarband, Muminоbad, Shamsiddin Shоhin and Baljuvоn

Visit of the head of the Communications Service to consider requests from the population to the cities and regions of Bokhtar, Sarband, Muminоbad, Shamsiddin Shоhin and Baljuvоn In order to consider appeals and requests from the population for the installation of mobile communications, the head of the Service, Beg Sabur, made a working trip to […]

Meeting of the head of the communications service with the delegation of Kazakhstan and signing of a memorandum of cooperation with the Joint Stock Company “National Information Technologies”

Meeting of the head of the communications service with the delegation of Kazakhstan and signing of a memorandum of cooperation with the Joint Stock Company “National Information Technologies” On December 22, 2023, the Head of the Communications Service under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan, Beg Sabur, received a delegation of guests from the […]

Conducting a research seminar on the technical capabilities of mobile operators in the direction of expanding non-cash payments

Conducting a research seminar on the technical capabilities of mobile operators in the direction of expanding non-cash payments For the purpose of effective cooperation and joint implementation of the Decree, President of the Republic of Tajikistan “On measures to expand non-cash payments” dated June 22, 2023 No. 586, at the initiative of the Communication Service, […]

A memorandum of cooperation was signed with another Russian company

A memorandum of cooperation was signed with another Russian company Last week, the Communications Service under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan signed a Memorandum of Cooperation with another Russian company – “Piter IX” Limited Liability Company. This memorandum of cooperation was approved by the Communications Service and signed by the head of the […]