Extended Meeting: Results of the Telecommunications Sector for the First Half of 2024 and Plans for the Second Half of 2024

News Service News

Extended Meeting: Results of the Telecommunications Sector for the First Half of 2024 and Plans for the Second Half of 2024

On July 10, 2024, the Communications Service under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan held an extended meeting to summarize the results of the telecommunications sector for the first half of 2024.

The extended meeting on the results of the activities of the Communications Service was attended by the heads of all subordinate structures, employees, heads of main departments, departments and their deputies, heads of the Service’s departments, as well as heads and accountants of the telecommunications sectors of Khatlon, Sughd, Badakhshon region, the Kulob region, and districts of republican subordination, both in person and online.

At this event, the results of the activities of the Communications Service for the first half of 2024 and future plans for the remainder of 2024 were reviewed. The meeting focused on addressing challenges and opportunities that contribute to the sector’s growth and improvement, with specific recommendations and proposals provided.