Which public spaces in the capital offer free WiFi?

News Service News

Which public spaces in the capital offer free WiFi?

Mobile companies, in collaboration with the State Unitary Enterprise “Smart City,” have installed free WiFi in the majority of public spaces, including park areas and other facilities in the city of Dushanbe, in order to implement the Decision of the Chairman of Dushanbe dated November 15, 2019, No. 716 “On the procedure for organizing the operation of Internet information and telecommunication networks using WiFi technology in the territory of Dushanbe.”

For the benefit of Dushanbe’s citizens and visitors, the following public spaces have free WiFi provided by “Babilon-T” and “MegaFon Tajikistan.”

Business “Babilon-T”:

• SE “Navruzgoh”;
• SE Park “State Emblem”;
• SE Park “National Flag”;
• Alley near the Writers’ Union;
• SE “Dushanbe International Airport”;
• Shopping center “Dushanbe Mall (Ashan)”;

Company “MegaFon Tajikistan”:

• SE Park named after Ustod Rudaki;
• SE Complex “Istiqlol”;
• SE Park of Culture and Recreation named after Ustod Sadriddin Ayni;
• SE Park “Kurosh the Great”;
• SE Park of Culture and Recreation named after Abulqosim Firdavsi;
• SE Park of Culture and Recreation “Youth”.